Here's a funny story: I nearly forgot about this! But alas, even with my absent-mindedness, when I saw the date change on my calendar, I remembered, hooray!
So yes, as the picture says, my little blog has officially turned two! I know turning two isn't as amazing as some of the other older blogs out there, but this is something that I'm quite proud of. Blogging is important to me. Two years of openly expressing my love of books. Two years of finding some absolutely wonderful people who share my interests. Two years of being challenged outside my normal abilities, of learning about the blogging world, bits of coding and bits of photo editing. Two years of blissful non-stop gushing about books, their covers, their characters, and all sorts of other bookish-related things. Two years of answering a calling I didn't know I had, of doing something I didn't know I loved. Unfortunately, I don't have any super cool giveaway or contest. Just this post, and an extremely grateful message to you guys. Because you guys are the reason I blog. I may not have as many followers as I could have, but I'm happy with the close circle of blogging friends I do have. It has been an adventure with you guys, and I'm really looking forward to what's next to come! So, a fun rundown of all the major things my blog went through in the year that's gone by (which will most likely be repeated during my 2016 year wrap up post in December): -This little blog was a winner of the Best YA Blog of 2015! Such a proud moment *wipes a tear* -Updated the blog's title (twice) and design! Some of you may remember my very uncreative and boring blog before hand. Granted, my blog still is kind of boring and bland, but it's a significant improvement since the very first one, since there's now a header and the background isn't one of those preset ones (okay, it still is, but it's not immediately obvious) -I did a Blogging Buddies Tag with Eve from Edge of Night, which was an absolutely amazing experience! -Hosted a Graceling Read-Along with Caroline from Just Another Bookish Blog -So! Many! Blog! Tours! And! Interviews! Quite the media attention, no? (Just kidding) -I introduced a new segment, called Booking Musings and Ponderings. Check out the first instalment here and let me know what other topics I should cover! And that's about it! Not as cool as a lot of other blogs, but like I said, it's mine, and I'm quite proud. I can't wait to see what the next year of blogging will bring!
2 years?? It doesn't feel that long ago that I was congratulating you on your first blogiversary! :O Time is going so fast! Congratulations Erika, such an awesome achievement :D And you've done so much in this year too, it's awesome!
Sinead @ Less Reality More Books
Happy second blogoversary, Erika! You've been such a lovely part of the community, and I hope you get to have many more years of fun blogging ahead of you <3
Happy blogiversary!
ReplyDeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
Thank you so much! ^.^
DeleteHappy Blogoversary!!!! <3 *Throws confetti* :D
ReplyDeleteAhh, thank you! *throws more confetti in the air in joy*
DeleteThat's awesome! Congrats on 2 years ^_^
ReplyDeleteBrittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it :)
Delete2 years?? It doesn't feel that long ago that I was congratulating you on your first blogiversary! :O Time is going so fast! Congratulations Erika, such an awesome achievement :D And you've done so much in this year too, it's awesome!
ReplyDeleteSinead @ Less Reality More Books
I know right? It's been so fast! But I should be giving a big thank you to YOU for sticking around with me for so long! <3
DeleteHappy bloganniversary! You've come so far and doing amazing things Erika! <3
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Tasya. It means a lot to me :)
DeleteHappy Blog anniversary! Two years is a great achievement - keep going :)
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteHappy second blogoversary, Erika! You've been such a lovely part of the community, and I hope you get to have many more years of fun blogging ahead of you <3
ReplyDeleteThank you, Cilla! You are a delight to know in the blogging community too :)
DeleteO.O I just saw this!
You have an amazing blog and are an amazing person! I can’t wait until our next read-along! :)
Aw, you're to kind <3 You are equally, if not more, amazing too! I can't wait for our next read along too!