Hi guys, So as you know, I haven't been really active here. It's been a running problem since last fall, and it doesn't look like it's going to be resolved anytime soon. I moved to a new city last fall and the life thing is kind of settling over me. That leaves me little time to read (that's NOT stopping though!!! NEVER NEVER NEVER) and even less time to blog with you guys. So it pains me to say that I'm going on a temporary blogging hiatus. BUT I'm not disappearing completely! I'll still be around now and then, though I won't have as big of a presence (not that I've had much of one recently). I'm will still review books, but they will be short and on Goodreads (you can find my Goodreads profile here--friend me!!!). If you want to chat, I'm just one Goodreads message away, since Goodreads is kind of my version of Facebook :)
I'm thinking this hiatus will last until the end of the summer, but I'm holding off on making any promises. Regardless, I will do another post in the summer as followup and update as to what's going on! That's it from me for now. Hope you're all doing well! Message me if you want to chat! And, most importantly: happy reading!